Monday, May 30, 2011


Well Memorial Day is here, I believe Mom is declining. She is walking less and sleeping more. I know she is tired of living this way. I just bought her a new watch with big numbers...she loved it : ) Anything I can do to make her happy is what I will do.

The short term memory loss she is experiencing is getting worse too. One blessing in all of this is she is not in any pain. I'm told not everyone with lung cancer has pain. So that is the one upside to all of this.

Something strange happened yesterday...she started itching real bad, like an allergic reaction. The only thing I can think it was...I made her some Iced Tea using tea bags, she usually uses instant. So I gave her Benedryl and made her some new tea from instant. Itching is much better.

Last night we were watching the Nascar race on TV and she usually goes to bed around 8:30 or 9:00...she stayed in her recliner in the living room until 1 am. It was almost like she was afraid to go to bed, like she wouldn't wake up. She didn't say anything, but that was the feeling we got.

Well I'm signing off now....everyone have a good holiday week-end!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

First Posting

Well here is my first posting. Thought I would create a place to give everyone updates on Mom. We are sitting in my living room & I just told her about the mass in her lung. She is such a trooper or she is putting on a good front for me. I just told her whatever the journey Bill and I will be here for her till the end.

My role in this is to make her last days as comfortable as I can. Thank goodness for Hospice, they have been so helpful!